About me

I am Lauri Heino, a 28-year-old Finnish self-taught software developer. I have been actively programming in Java since 2011, working mostly on personal game development projects. Aside from programming, I produce music, create 3D animations and build things in my free time.

I had my first touches with Java all the back in 2002 when I was just seven years old with the guidance of my father. I didn’t learn much, being a kid, but it planted a seed that would later in life start my journey as a software developer.

Until very recently, I have only worked on closed source software for my own uses. However, that changed in April 2023, when I took part in the twoday coding challenge (site is in Finnish). I started three weeks before the deadline, and within that time learned the basics of Spring Boot without ever seeing code of it before, wrote the fullstack implementation for a tick tack toe game and ended up claiming the prize for the best backend.

This achievement sparked a newfound interest in seeking employment in the software development space, and since then I have moved my personal closed source projects aside and started to work on open source projects for my portfolio. I don’t know what the future holds but I do know that I seek to improve my skills in any way I can, for as long as I can.